

The W.E.L.S.H. Card

Wales Exclusive Loyalty Sightseers Help Card.

Croeso i

Mae'r W.E.L.S.H. Cerdyn

Cerdyn Cymorth Sightseer Teyrngarwch Unigryw Cymru.

Explore Unique

Events in Wales

Explore the best events in Wales, including nightclub events, exclusive Welsh Card parties and more!

Archwiliwch Unigryw

Digwyddiadau yng Nghymru

Archwiliwch y digwyddiadau gorau yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys digwyddiadau clwb nos, partïon Cerdyn Cymreig unigryw a mwy!

Are you looking for

Deals & Offers?

Explore a wide range of deals and offers at restaurants, bars and tourism attractions.

Ydych chi'n chwilio am

Bargeinion a Chynigion?

Archwiliwch ystod eang o fargeinion a chynigion mewn bwytai, bariau ac atyniadau twristiaeth.


Get Your
W.E.L.S.H Card today!

So, why do you need a Welsh Card? Despite being a small country, Wales has a near-endless supply of new places to see, new restaurants to visit and new adventures to be had. Making the most of this adventurous, dynamic, and storied land is now easier and more accessible than ever before! When you use your Welsh Card, you are able to enjoy Wales at a reduced cost as well as enjoy the latest discounts and events in Wales.

Saving you Time & Money

When you purchase one of our low-priced cards, (£4.95 Single, £6.95 Double, £9.95 Group x4) you will be entitled to various discounts and offers at countless and varied venues/attractions around Wales. These venues/attractions include many bars, restaurants, hotels, museums, castles, theatres, and cinemas. Look out for our recognisable sticker on many of our partner attractions and venues; or check out our list of associates here on our website.


Our cards can be bought as a Single for £4.95, Double for £6.95 or Group x4 for £9.95. Subscribe for a month and get 25% off.

The Welsh Card will allow you to receive a minimum 10% discount for up to a week/month on countless different attractions and venues in Wales.

Once the Welsh card is purchased, you will receive our exclusive animated E-card with an expiry date and time of 12 am via your email. To obtain your discount, just show it before you pay and the vendor will apply it!

Participating businesses get a window sticker (where appropriate) to show their participation. As well as this, there is a complete list of participating businesses here on our website.

For users of the Welsh Card:

A directory of businesses who entice their customers with offers, deals and discounts on their products or services.

For businesses:

A far reaching affordable advertising platform to promote their business and attract new national and international customers by enticing them with offers, deals and discounts as an incentive.

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